Canteen Issues

Dear all,

I have messaged you once about this already, but I'm not sure if you've received it. I apologise if you have not, I have been having troubles with my phone.

Please inform all your batchmates that if they eat in the canteen they have to clean up after themselves. This is because to bring down the price of the food the operators have decided to hire fewer workers, hence we all have to make the habit of cleaning up after ourselves (which really isn't anything more than placing our plates on the trolley and cabinets in the canteen). Thanks everyone for their hard work and future compliance to this. :)

On a related note, De Brio is planning to hire two student part time workers for the cafe in the library. The pay is RM 5 per hour, and the timing is from 9 AM to 5 PM. Those interested, please contact me at 016-2578-520 with your name, ID number and contact details. Please keep in mind that they will be hired by the owner of De Brio, not IMU.

Open Day money is coming, don't worry. Just a few issues I need to sort out. However, I would like to greatly apologise for this delay.

Warmest regards,
Zia Shah

Student Representative Council
International Medical University


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