Fund-raising by SRC

Dear all,

In our term in SRC we have had a few fund-raising events to help out devestated areas and IMUs adopted Orang Asli Village (Kg. Angkat). The following is how much we raised in total for them.
  1. Indonesian earthquake (batch to batch collection) - RM 700
  2. Kg. Angkat (Halloween Night) - RM 2650 (of which RM 2500 will be used to install a manual water pump)
  3. Hope for Haiti (with P110 and Hope for Haiti ad hoc committee) - RM 11,218
Our last fund-raising event will be for the Chile Earthquake (which will be batch to batch collection).

We would like to thank all students for being so magnanimous. You have really demonstrated just how wonderful and caring IMU students are.

Warmest regards,
Zia Shah

Student Representative Council
International Medical University


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